Monday, June 18, 2007

International Lunch

En bleu l'Amerique: Tom
En jaune la Hongrie (Sumimasen): Andras
En rouge l'Espagne: Javier
En gris la Chine: Felix


Andras Csibi said...

Okay, so it seems french people have conspired to screw up my personal data anywhere they can. First Matthieu mispells my name, then this...

So where am I from, actually?

Anyway, I don't have a problem with czechs. I mean who wouldn't love the country whose only reason not to invade my hometown was that the rumanians got there first :D
Just kidding, I'm not a prisoner of history.
Anyway, nice blog, I'll keep checking back.

Andras Csibi said...

czecking back hahaha

Melissa said...

Veuillez accepter mes plus humbles excuses monsieur.
Sorry for this big mistake, but Czech Republic is very nice also....I don't know Hungary...
Thank you to have visited my blog... Could you send me adress of yours?